Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feast & Breathe easy

F & B - Friends & Bacchus

Address: F&B, Papanna Street, off St. Marks Road, near Hotel Nahar Heritage, Bangalore – 560001.

Phone: 91-80-40333888


Cost : 450 + taxes per buffet

An inconspicuously perched restauruant off St.Marks Road, is a place worth a visit, I would say multiple visits. I would like to call it Feast & Breathe easy, because this is a place just to do both together, Bingo!!! No confusion , Great combination :).

One of the very few restaurants that offer a weekend brunch buffet and on that a very very good one. Not a traditional sort of a buffet with the food displayed at a corner of the restaurant, and you lose your appetite walking all the way to the end of the hall to grab some. Here you just sit back, order re-order re-re-order any item from thier brunch menu and believe me there are more items in their menu than you would find in any other buffet. There are variety of starters, salads, sandwiches, european cuisines, Indian dishes, pan asian fare accompanied with the chef's choice of soup and desserts.

The quality of the food is awesome. The presentation was neat. European tasted european and Indian tasted Indian, that is the best part here unlike other multi cuisine restaurants. The time for an order to appear at the table is a little longer, time to prepare maybe, but it is served with the right accompaniments and excellent taste and at the right temperature. Ideal for a lazy weekend brunch , where we are in no hurry to finish our delayed first meal of the day with a lot of chit-chat going all the way.

The dessert platter is yummy. Look out for the pastries and if you are lucky the jamun :), Best part is you can order as much you want so remember to save some space for the desserts.

The ambience is worth a mention, the walls are lined up with beautiful paintings and wonderful antiques. The service is very good, given the fact that you can order continuously, the food is always served with a smile. Since the place is not so crowded usually, there is always a person to take your order all the time.

There is a kids area as well,did not get a chance to check it out completely, but there were a bunch of kids who seemed to be having a great time out there.

If you are not a hygiene freak, I would strongly recommend their regular water. Now you would think I am a brand ambassador for the restaurant :). But take it from me,water with mint leaves and hint of lemon(thier regular water) is a great combo.

For all those who enjoy wine, try out thier inhouse wines, they are amazing.

All in all, a very nice restaurant, perfect for a lazy weekend with a lot of time to kill and a belly to burst !!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vinnai Thandi Varuvaaya - Must watch!!!

Its been a really long time since I exhibited some life in the blogosphere :)
Many moments worth blogging have gone by since then, A Navi movie, 2 Weeks of hell with some stupid exams, Exciting but tiring professional life, A God's day out in Gwalior and so on...
I would like to blog about each one , hopefully it would follow soon.

This is about Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya a tamil movie by Gautham menon, Kakkha kakkha fame.. I have always been a fan of Gautham, and he did not disappoint me at all..
Its a feel good movie, and the hero and heroine did an excellent job to keep it that way. I find it really hard to believe in what I am going to say now, but it is true. Simbhu did not do a Simbhu in this movie. Everytime you see him in a movie, there is something that bottles up the character he is playing, but in here, he was awesome. The confused mind, the pressures of being in love, the pain , the youthfullness , every aspect of the character was well played, never over done. Its really an excellent break for this very talented person, hopefully he does not move in his father's or his own past...

Trisha , oh my god, seriously was she always this beautiful?? As my friend put it, Guys have an added incentive to watch this movie, and that is Trisha... Leave alone, kreedam(especially akkam pakkam song), I have never seen her this pretty... She was simply stunning.... Gautham has this uncanny ability of bringing out the best in his heroines. This according to me , till now has been trisha's best display of her ability to act and I would say , I am pleasantly surprised... She has done her part in the movie quite well. The on screen chemistry was awesome... The scene after the interval, where simbhu meets her in the middle of the night, wherein she acknowledges her love for him was the best...(See next image :)) What a moment that was!!!! Made me wonder, what the hell am I doing with my life ??? Believe me, If you are in love, you should watch this movie with your significant other... I unfortunately do not have the opportunity :( :( :(

Music is awesome. A.R.Rahman, as usual did a tremendous job. All the songs were a treat and this is currently the most sought after playlist on my Ipod since the release. The cinematography , especially of the songs has no match at all... Gautham always makes sure the songs are beautiful, never compromises on that...
Hosona,Manippaya, and the title number deserve a special mention :)...

Climax was the best part. The portrayal of the glaring difference between a movie and practical life was mind blowing... The twist, when we all thought all izz well was a shock... Actually felt a little bad in the end for the couple...

The hero plays an assistant director in the movie, and finally directs a movie dedicated to his love. The lead pair in the movie within the movie are actually the lead pair in the telugu version of VTV - YMC(Ye Maaya Chesave). Simbu-Trisha play the lead pair in the movie within the movie in the Telugu version... As usual the climax in the telugu version is different, unlike the tamil version, the lead pair in YMC get married in the end... Waiting to see it in telugu... Not sure how they managed this end...

If you ask me, the end was the most fascinating aspect of the movie delivering a strong message. While the intoxicating, chirpy nature of love is a treat to watch in a well made movie, practically it may not be the case... The anomaly the director brought about with the climax is commendable...

Vinnai Thandi Varuvaaya - Musically Romantic !! Don't miss it...


Monday, December 14, 2009

A paradigm shift!!!

Hmmm, long time since I blogged.. Well this is about women, thier life and the transformation they have gone through over the years....

India is a great country, no doubt about that. While we can boast about the past heritage , culture etc etc, we should also be ashamed of the injustice transpired on women in the past... Polygamous kings, the practice of Sati are a few examples of how we toyed with women in the past. That is hard to digest history now or atleast I hope it is.. Women , infact have gone through a radical change over the years... I'll first divide them into three generations that I have seen(Lets not dwell too much into the past) and look into how and what led to the transitions in their lives...

1) The 1980's
2) Early 90's to early 00's
3) Late 2000's

1) The 1980's -> probably the ideal bride generation.
Here in general, you come across a silent gal who takes a different form each day. The very obedient daughter-in-law, cook, home-maker, office-goer, again home maker, again cook and the day continues. Hardly you will see her complaining. Dev Kohli's lines sums it up though from a movie in the 1990's

Ban Gaya Pardes Ghar Janam Ka
Mili Hai Duniya Mujhe Nayee
Naam Jo Piya Se Maine Joda
Naye Rishton Se Bandh Gayee
Mere Sasur Ji Pita Hain
Pati Devta Hain
Devar Chhavi Krishna Ki

In most cases, she had to support the family financially as well and so lost precious time with her kids, she did not like it , but she had to do it.

2) Early 1990's to Early 2000's : The career oriented woman

Once she started working, she realised how competent she can be. In few unfortunate cases,At this point when she saw a man along with his family, who were no more intelligent or talented , trying to dominate her personal life, she resisted. That was the start. Her retaliation to the injustice done to her over the past few years was very constructive.She started to enter every possible field, to make the whole world be cognizant of her abilities. Just observing her growth, the entire women population of this generation grew in confidence and we today see how much women have grown from the 80's....

Though this was a golden period for the rise of woman, there were a few cases where she(referring to few women in this generation) lost track completely.She started resenting men. she had no time for any personal life. She was completely career oriented, scared to the core since she thought even a single failure could give her the loser tag by the ever so chauvinist men. She was not ready to commit herself to a relation and even if she did, she was so busy with her career that the relation never really had a meaning.. This was the era of nuclear families where both parents would be working and the kid , if at all there was one would be with a nanny. The kid hardly had grand parents around because none of his/her parents could handle them. Poor kid...
From the woman's perspective though, a man was-is-and will be a chauvinist by heart, he wanted only her fall so that he could establish the lost control over her again.

Little did she realize that Men(Maybe not all) were also going through a metamorphosis. He started acknowledging the new woman in this generation. He started respecting her, He started loving her. But to shake off the fact that he was a Man, which he carried for generations together was a difficult task... Finally he did and that was the birth of the next generation.

3) Late 2000's - and over : Our generation ....

Man in this generation is more accommodating... He is open minded and accedes to the fact that his woman needs a career. He shares everything with her, he is happy about her growth. She on the other hand, enjoys this new attention and the support which probably she did not expect.. The couple have now become great friends than the stereotype husband-wife.. They share their life together and try to make a conscious effort to understand each other perfectly. Sometimes the MAN in him wakes up for a brief moment , but she accepts the fact that the change he has gone through is not easy and supports him to the max extent possible. Maybe this emotional intimacy has brought a shift in her thoughts. She now puts her family above anything else. She tries to stitch a great family, maintains a good relation with her in-laws (who have also evolved with time and are no longer as domineering as they were). She even goes to the extent of sacrificing her career for her kid, her family and most importantly for the close friend she sees in her husband...

What a Paradigm shift indeed !!!!!

Well the wise minds say, Evolution is for the good. Is this particular one really for good(atleast from a woman's perspective)??? Will a man try to take unwarranted advantage of this new generation woman who willingly sacrifices her career for her family and go back to his despotic ways ?? Only time can answer this , But if you ask me, I would say , the probability is close to zero because he understands why she is making this sacrifice, He understands that her priorities have changed, not since he wanted it, but because she wanted it and the reason for that was, the love she has for him. He respects that and loves her even more, In the process would vow never to hurt her again....

PS : First try at a topic on human evolution.... I am sure few of you would've been offended. I am really sorry. Its just my views and I may be totally wrong... This is all from what I saw when I grew up, my mom, relatives, friends , colleagues etc etc.... There may still be women who do not fit into the categories I mentioned, but really is there something in this world that does not have an exception!!!!

PPS:Disclaimer : I am not saying , women not pursuing a career is the solution to all the problems... Never...

Monday, November 9, 2009


Hmmm, whats up in blore these days? I would say paagal types rain doesn't allow anything to be up :( ... It doesn't pour down in one go, rather sends them drizzling down all through day and night... I enjoy going out in the rain, I most certainly do, if my next stop is my house but if it is not then it becomes frustrating , really frustrating... Today was a day like that, when it had to happen to me. I am usually a morning person, wake up early, hit the gym depending on the mood, and then start to office... I am usually @ my workplace by 7:30 or 8:00.. But today, no idea what got into me, I woke up to see the clock showing 10:30 (Well it was my mobile that was showing 10:30 :)). I got up with a shock, hurried into and out of the bathroom in a flash. This was when the first bolt of frustration stuck. I was searching in my wardrobe for a fresh pair of jeans and it was then I realised I did not have any. One of the few drawbacks of being a bachelor :)(Gals , no offense meant!!). I pulled down my suitcase and picked a very old pair, faded to the max extent possible... I am not a great fan of faded jeans, but well something is better than nothing right!!! I was all set to start by 10:55. I went out to check that its not raining or drizzling and I was so happy to see it wasn't.
Here let me stop a moment and talk about two R's in Bangalore, that are not really fond of each other... Roads & Rains.... When rain disrupts one's schedule, the roads try to the best of their abilities to prove that they can do a much better job than rain... This coupled with the fact that even under normal circumstances, Bangalore's roads are worse than even the sub-urban roads of Chennai, can really make life miserable...
Coming back to my story, I was out in the roads by 11, to be caught in the first of the umpteen traffic signals in my track... People say that when you are frustrated, everything around you tries to add up to your frustration. I bet that's pretty true. The road in front of my house had been dug up for about 2 weeks now, I think its the Electricity board, no the telephone department. On third thoughts, I think it was the corporation, trying to set something right with the drainage.... These things usually do not bother me, but today was no usual day. I was constantly muttering curses about the common sense of the people who decided to clean the drainage in the rainy season(Is it the rainy season?? you can never say that in blore)... Then finally , the signal gave way and I started my bike and moved a few paces, when the drizzling started. I thought ok, its not that bad, I should be able to manage with the jerkin. Probably rain gods have the power to read minds, it started drizzling hard and fast. I had to pull the face shield of my helmet to avoid the icy drops of rain... people go crazy when it rains, there are no rules, none at all. people run across the roads for shelter , with no worry about the traffic, Cars go at top speeds, probably just to shower the stagnant water on motorists by the side. I was trying to keep my cool after a few swears (@the mindless people running around), a few showers (courtesy few more mindless ppl driving cars) and a few ditches that my bike went over(courtesy the mindless me :)). The visibility was also poor, a big thanks to the droplets of water that decided to settle on my helmet.... I was wondering why the hell has anyone not thought of helmets with wipers ???? Well then finally i reached office, all drenched, only from hip down, thanks to the jerkin. I sat down thinking ok its all over lets go easy and get on with work. I was trying hard to concentrate,but realised it is not so easy with the AC on and not so dry pants :) Hmmm,Time to trouble a dear friend who was unfortunate enough to live nearby and to top it, own a car :). I called him up and we went to his place and he was generous enough to hand me one of his fresh pairs of jeans (Ya he is married :)) , little did he know that he will be getting it back only after I get my laundry(well actually after I give and get my laundry)... I finally got back started working... A decent enough lunch and a few knocks @ the TT table later in the day, made me feel better, actually much much better...
Wondering how all this is related to the title, well here it comes. I logged into gmail after the frustrating experience and one my friend's status msg read "thunder showers fore casted for the whole week in blore". Hmmm that was enough... I decided to give my bike some much needed rest for the week. That would mean, I car-pool with my friends who live nearby and that my friends, gives me the liberty to choose between a CIVIC or an OPTRA :)

Every dark-cloud does have a silver lining :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

If it can happen to god himself.....

Well, what a day it had been. Marsh scoring his first century, Watson proving time and again that he might just be the best all-rounder if he is fit. Cameron white and Hussey's swashbuckling and stimulating partnership, that put the game a globe away from India.
Everything seems long forgotten now. There were quite a string of moments in the game that will live on for ever. The master wielding his willow with ultimate comfort and composure. The passion, the pride evident in his very eyes almost undid the above mentioned heroics by the Aussies. Well, this one was long due(thats what his critics would say) or was it?? He is now the second highest run-getter in the series in the process undid all the mistakes that were made in the past few matches.

But ya lets talk about today, what day has it been for this divine human. 17000 ODI runs...I was sitting on the edge of my seat , pushing the refresh button on the chromifox browser every second and when the phenomenal feat was achieved, I breathed a sigh of relief , got back to my work , pretty sure that India can never make it. My colleague(s) found my attitude intriguing(definitely in the wrong sense), but lets face it 351 in Hyderabad under lights especially when India is chasing, it is next to impossible. I was expecting another yuvraj day here (poor lad scored 2 centuries in this ground and India lost both the matches). The ground probably has an aversion for the hosts I guess, India have a very bad record here, the deccan chargers could never even crawl on this ground leave alone charging. Thinking about the past , I almost missed the history in the making. Thanks to the one small thought "lets see the score" that surfaced at the back of my mind. I immediately got the browser alive and kicking, to see that Sachin was at 68 of 52 balls. That was enough for me, I left the office, drove all the way back home in less than 12 minutes(thats an achievement given the traffic in airport road here in bangalore). Though I missed a few glorious shots from the masters' blade, I was there to witness one of the greatest centuries of all time. A slight dab to third man sealed the day for me, I was so happy for one of the greatest characters that our country has ever produced.
But he did not stop there, he went on and on, carefully guiding Raina to his path of glory. Clearly instilled the thought of India winning the match , to the million viewers world wide. Temperament was the key, and Raina even with a living example at the non-stiker's end could not carry on. His dismissal at a point where India were cruising towards thier highest run-chase turned the table for the aussies.

Ultimately, what an injustice? why does this happen with Sachin? Why was I so unfortunate to witness the one day version of the famous chennai test? Why did Raina become Mongia today? 175 runs of 140 odd balls, and end up on the losing side, it is something that we do not see everyday. Leaving last three wickets to score a mere 19 runs, at a little over 6 runs an over, the god departed, making probably his first mistake and as it has become a custom, gift his precious wicket to the debutant. It was such a painful moment, moment of excruciating torture for the zillion fans, watching their Idol, their Inspiration, their what not?? walking with head held low , disappointed that he could not finish the job for his country. History repeats, people always say that, but why now, when it was supposed to be his day, the day he achieved a herculean feat ? There are ever so many questions, not rational but very very emotional.

After all, if this could happen with god, we are a real screwed race.......

P.S :- My first attempt @ blogging , wanted to start many times, but never made it.
P.P.S : Kindly drop in your suggestions / comments